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Our Ten Year Anniversary Is This Month!

by | Feb 6, 2015 | News, What's New at Geek Girls IT Services | 1 comment

This month, February, 2015, marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of New York Geek Girls! It’s remarkable when I think about how far we’ve come, how many clients we’ve helped, and how many businesses now depend on us.

I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive of me, our techs and this company. We are fortunate to have a wonderful base of appreciative clients. As you probably already know, we do not take our responsibility to you lightly.

We know you count on us, whether you are a business that needs to minimize downtime, or a residential customer simply struggling to Skype your grandchildren. No matter who you are, we value you as a customer, and we are awed at the trust you place in us.

Our web site as it looked five months after we opened for business.

Our web site as it looked five months after we opened for business.

As we continue to grow, we will be increasing our service offerings. We will also continue to study and learn so we can keep up with the latest technology offerings, whether it’s the newest tablet for checking your Gmail, or an advanced encryption product to make your business data more secure.

As many of you know I have a “secret other life” as a jazz pianist. Most musicians will agree that it’s a lot more rewarding to play in front of a good audience than only for oneself. For this reason, I have a built-in appreciation for the audience. This appreciation naturally extends to our clients, because I see our clients as the “audience” for New York Geek Girls. Without you, there would be no one for us to “perform” for. I am aware of that every day and try to show our appreciation in every client interaction.

So please allow me to indulge myself for a moment and take a metaphorical bow following our ten-year “performance”. Thank you. You’ve been a great audience!

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