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Happy New Year!

by | Jan 16, 2010 | What's New at Geek Girls IT Services | 0 comments

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a healthy and prosperous new year. It’s been a wonderful first year in the new house in Teaneck. While our client base is expanding in the Bergen County area, we are still delighted to serve our many clients in Brooklyn and Manhattan!

Security of Your Private Information. We have recently implemented a data encryption process to keep your sensitive, confidential information private. This will ensure that, in the unfortunate event of a theft or other security breach, the sensitive information you may have entrusted to us with will be unavailable to the wrong eyes.

Remote Support. This year saw a big increase in clients taking advantage of our economical and secure remote support option. We have received lots of positive feedback on how easy it is to install the remote access software and we welcome any comments that you may have.

Welcome New Clients! I would like to offer a warm welcome to our new clients, particularly several small business clients who joined our growing family this year. (You know who you are!) In addition to PC and Mac desktop support, we also maintain and support Small Business Server 2003 and 2008 as well as Windows Server 2003 and 2008. We are excited to continually expand the range of services we can offer.

Referrals. I’d also like to take a moment to say thank you for all the referrals, references and recommendations you have given us this year. As most of our new business now comes from word of mouth, we greatly appreciate the trust and faith you have put in us and we take that trust very seriously.

Finally, on another note (no pun intended), many of you know that when I am not tending to your IT needs, my focus is on music. I will be entering the studio later this month to record several arrangements for horns and strings. If you are not already on my music mailing list, please email me if you would like to be updated when the CD is released or when I am performing in your area. Additionally, you can visit my website at to learn more about my music.

May the year 2010 offer each of us opportunities for growth and success! I look forward to continuing my work with each of you and thank you again for your partnership.

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